
The Ultimate Quant Cheat Sheet

The Ultimate Quant Cheat Sheet
ISBN: 978-3-00-027081-9
Copyright by MathFinance AG
Schiesshohl 19
65529 Waldems
all rights reserved

Author: Uwe Wystup
Typeset by MathFinance AG
Printed in Germany by
Seltersdruck & Verlag Lehn GmbH & Co. KG

Price: 12.95 EUR (including 7% VAT = 0.85 EUR)
Postage for up to two cheat sheets: 1.45 EUR within Germany, 3.45 within Europe, 3.45 world. Tarifs are based on B4 size up to 500g of Deutsche Post, prices are subject to change.
The Ultimate Quant Cheat Sheet (Poster)
ISBN: 978-3-00-030389-0
Copyright by MathFinance AG
Schiesshohl 19
65529 Waldems
all rights reserved

Author: Uwe Wystup
Typeset by MathFinance AG
Printed in Germany

Price: 12.95 EUR (including 7% VAT = 0.85 EUR)
Postage prices are subject to change.
The postage contains also the packaging costs.
The tube is at the moment 4€. Each tube can contain up to five posters!

Product Information

  • All you need to know as a quant to pass exams and interview questions
  • Every day easy to carry-on reference manual
  • Decades of practical knowledge condensed on 6 pages
  • A4 size when folded
  • Punched so you can file it
  • Laminated so it will survive a spill of your drink


With The Ultimate Quant Cheat Sheet project we support local charity organizations. 8.00 EUR will be donated to charity for each purchased cheat sheet. Charity Organizations supported: On the release date of March 23 2009 at the Frankfurt MathFinance Conference we supported the Frankfurter Tafel with 960.00 EUR. We thank all the delegates for their generous support. We could donate over EUR 1000 for the year 2010 to Gandhi Kinderhilfe, Organ support for the Evangelische Kirche Steinfischbach. We thank all our customers for their generosity.


  • Black-Scholes Formula with all Greeks
  • Normal Distribution
  • Building Blocks for First Generation Exotics
  • Binomial Trees
  • Vanilla Relationships
  • List of Distributions: densities, moments, moment generating functions
  • Brownian Motion and Running Extrema
  • At-The-Money (ATM) and Delta Conventions in FX
  • Simulation Schemes
  • Cholesky Decomposition
  • Newton's Method
  • Central Limit Theorem
  • Stochastic Calculus
  • Asset Pricing
  • Interest Rate Models
  • Libor Market Model
  • Transforms
  • Quanto Drift Adjustment
  • Currency Tetrahedron
  • Derivatives Payoffs
  • Vanilla Structures
  • Local Volatility
  • Option Formulas
  • Portfolio Optimization
  • Random Number Generation
  • Volatility Estimation
  • Regression
  • Kernel Density Estimation
  • CPPI
  • Market Models
  • Conditional Expectation
  • Cliquet Structures
  • Variance Reduction
  • Levy Processes
  • Copulas
  • Useful Reference